An interactive and experiential teaching tool
Great for non-profit organizations!
An in-person workshop to sharpen your skills!
Note: HIGH FIVE Principles of Healthy Childhood Development (PHCD) Workshop is a pre-requisite for this workshop. This one day workshop will go over the basics of program planning for children’s programs. You will leave with a variety of resources such as attendance sheets, waiver forms, program plan template, etc.
This is a one-day training that will help front-line leaders (anyone working with children aged 6 to 12) improve the quality of programs. It provides in depth training in the HIGH FIVE® principles of healthy child development so front-line leaders understand what they need to do to ensure each child’s social, emotional and cognitive needs are met.
HIGH FIVE® Quest training is for any supervisor who is responsible for quality assurance and support of programs offered to children in middle childhood. This workshop will provide practical training on the use of the quality assurance measurement tool to evaluate current children’s sport and recreation programs. Quantitative results from these assessments allow organizations to track their improvements in quality programming.
Take the Lead is a resource focused upon leadership skill development and increased physical activity in youth ages 11-14. The purpose of this program is to train and mentor young people so that they can practice leading active play opportunities. Once they’ve completed Take the Lead! training, SPRA is confident that the Youth Leaders will have the ability to foster leadership skills within their schools and communities. They will provide more physical activity and active play opportunities for their peers and in the future they will be able to draw upon these skills as they reinvest in our communities.
This workshop focuses on TIPS to grant writing. The presentation is intended to be a quick overview of: Developing a project description, 12 TIPS to follow & hints to remember.
This workshop will focus on the importance of volunteer job descriptions and how spending a few minutes creating simple job descriptions could help your organization recruit new volunteers or get the most out of your current volunteers. Having volunteer job descriptions in place allows your volunteers to match their skill set/interest with jobs your organization needs completed.
Learn how your organization can effectively and efficiently plan for sport, culture and recreation programs in your community. Determine the Why, What and How of Program Planning using a “Community Development” approach. Leave with skills and tools to actually put planning processes to use in your organization.
This workshop is open to community members to attend and will focus on tips to run a volunteer or non-profit community group meeting. We cover the purpose of meetings, do’s & don’ts at meetings, roles of the different committee members and the importance of the agenda. We will role play a practice meeting if time allows.
An interactive learning experience that teaches the Indigenous rights history we’re rarely taught. The Blanket Exercise covers over 500 years of history in a one and a half hour participatory workshop. Participants take on the roles of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Standing on blankets that represent the land, they walk through pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization and resistance. They are directed by facilitators representing narrator(s) and the European colonizers. By engaging on an emotional and intellectual level, the Blanket Exercise effectively educates and increases empathy.
Contact us and let us know what type of workshop or webinar would be beneficial for your organization or community! We love new ideas and are happy to work with you.